ideo font map
ideo font map

2017年5月5日—Usingartificialintelligencetosurfacenewrelationshipsacrossfonts.Thisinteractivemapofmorethan750fontshasbeenorganized ...,2017年4月28日—Basedontwodistinctalgorithmsandwithfeedbackfromtypedesigners,FontMapfeaturesthe“A”glyphfromeachfon...

IDEO Releases an AI Interactive Font Map

2017年5月5日—FontMapfromIDEOmakesfindingandexploringtheparallelsbetweenfontseasierwiththeirnewinteractiveinterface.FontMapclustersand ...

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Font Map

2017年5月5日 — Using artificial intelligence to surface new relationships across fonts. This interactive map of more than 750 fonts has been organized ...

Font Map by IDEO

2017年4月28日 — Based on two distinct algorithms and with feedback from type designers, Font Map features the “A” glyph from each font, serifs on the left, sans ...

Font Map by Kevin Ho

By leveraging machine learning and convolutional neural networks to spot visual patterns, Font Map helps designers understand and see relationships across more ...

IDEO an AI powered font map is... GONE!?

2023年5月19日 — IDEO an AI powered font map is... GONE!? ... It's a pity because if you want a specific look it was very easy to find similar looking fonts by a ...

IDEO builds interactive font map using artificial intelligence

2017年4月21日 — KH: font map allows designers to discover a new font that they like and use in their projects. so many font collections lead with most popular ...

IDEO Font Map

2017年5月17日 — Enter the IDEO Font Map, which intelligently uses machine learning to group similar (Google) fonts together on a digital interactive map. Let's ...

IDEO has just organized the stunning universe of font with AI

2018年5月25日 — Assuming the data is available, mapping thousands of fonts is scalable with this approach. I'm also curious to explore how popular pairings ...

IDEO Releases an AI Interactive Font Map

2017年5月5日 — Font Map from IDEO makes finding and exploring the parallels between fonts easier with their new interactive interface. Font Map clusters and ...

Organizing the World of Fonts with AI

2017年4月19日 — Luckily, we were able to gather feedback from designers at IDEO along the way! Introducing Font Map. The final result of this exploration is ...


2017年5月5日—Usingartificialintelligencetosurfacenewrelationshipsacrossfonts.Thisinteractivemapofmorethan750fontshasbeenorganized ...,2017年4月28日—Basedontwodistinctalgorithmsandwithfeedbackfromtypedesigners,FontMapfeaturesthe“A”glyphfromeachfont,serifsontheleft,sans ...,Byleveragingmachinelearningandconvolutionalneuralnetworkstospotvisualpatterns,FontMaphelpsdesignersunderstandandseerelation...